Create A Buzz

Letting Your Ideas Be Heard!

Illustrated bee animated to move and flap it's wings facing right
Illustrated bee animated to move and flap it's wings facing left
illustrated green flower
illustrated lime green flower used for decoration
illustrated green flower
illustrated lime green flower used for decoration
illustrated green flower



Cree (Nehiyawak) for bee or honey bee.

Vending Machine used beside more information

Helping Create What You Want!

Whether you’re just beginning or wanting to take your existing business to the next level, I can create something that perfectly embodies you and your brand. With the tools and knowledge I have about identity development, logo design, marketing content, brand storytelling through illustration and much more, I will show you where your brand can go.

illustrated green flower
illustrated lime green flower used for decoration
illustrated green flower
illustrated lime green flower used for decoration

Doing What I Do Best!

Illustrated bee in a box used for packaging
Illustrated Bee for Illustration
Identity Branding
Illustrated bee used for identity branding

Doing What I Do Best!

Illustrated bee in a box used for packaging
Illustrated Bee for Illustration
Identity Branding
Illustrated bee used for identity branding

Looking For Inspiration?

Illustrated bee animated to move and flap it's wings facing right

There’s A Blog Too!

illustrated lime green flower used for decoration
illustrated green flower
illustrated lime green flower used for decoration
illustrated green flower

Let’s Work Together
